Pink Carnation Flower Bouquet
$49 USD
Unit price perCelebrate life’s sweetest moments with the Pink Carnation Flower Bouquet, a radiant arrangement of soft pink carnations accented by lush greenery. Wrapped in elegant blush-toned paper and tied with a delicate ribbon, this bouquet is a heartfelt gesture perfect for showing appreciation, love, or warm wishes to someone special in China.
We deliver to over 700 cities across China, from major cities like Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, to remote rural areas.
Delivery Options
Scheduled Delivery: Free delivery, available 7 days a week.
Next-Day Flower Delivery: Order by 10 PM for delivery tomorrow, $20.
Same-Day Delivery: Order by 12 PM for delivery by 5 PM, $30. Available in select major cities.
Note: Delivery fees are quoted in USD. Orders placed after cut-off times may arrive the following day.