Mini Pink Rose Bouquet

$49 USD

Surprise a loved one miles away with this stunning Mini Pink Rose Bouquet delivered to their door.

All our roses come beautifully wrapped with a handwritten note to your recipient. 

We deliver to over 700 cities across China, from major cities like Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, to remote rural areas. 

Delivery Options

Scheduled Delivery: Free delivery, available 7 days a week.

Next-Day Flower Delivery: Order by 10 PM for delivery tomorrow, $20.

Same-Day Delivery: Order by 12 PM for delivery by 5 PM, $30. Available in select major cities.

Note: Delivery fees are quoted in USD. Orders placed after cut-off times will be delivered the following day.


Anywhere in China

Free Scheduled Delivery

Fresh Flower Guarantee

Delivery & FAQs